
Brought to you by a vision from divine.

About Harashay

I’d like to welcome you to my home, Harashay. It was created from an inspired place…that you can only experience when you walk in the door. Here time is fluid and loose, so appointments will be too. It’s also a place where you can leave the worries of the world outside and truly relax, if you are so inclined…and I hope that you are.


About Me

I’m still evolving so this is an open-ended question. Many of my clients have known me for 20-30 years and have seen me go through many transformations…and i’m not fixin on settling anytime soon. My Quest is to have fun, have snacks and heal this world any way I can. Making people feel good is one of my tricks, sure…I make them look nice, but I also like to look inside…and connect them to seeing the beauty in themselves, the world and everything around them. I’m pretty High Vibe so I’m not for everyone, but…if your curious come check Harashay out. New Stylist will be arriving as I have asked the Universe to provide but so far…its just me. And yes, that is a real butterfly. Much Love, Namaste